Well, I've gone and done it again. It was Saturday, June 29, and I'd decided to throw an extra bit of sweat equity into our home-remodeling project by digging up and removing what had become a non-essential gate on one side of our house. It was an old, metal-framed assembly that
I spent most of the month of June 2018 flat on my back, laid low by spasms in my lower spine so intensely painful that, after several hours of agony, I ended up taking an ambulance to the emergency room. Needless to say, the forced recuperation put a
The process of selling off back issues of WaterShapes has been a sentimental journey for me, and I know it's going to become even more so when the recycling truck shows up on June 1 to clear away all of the unclaimed copies: I love those printed relics with all my heart, and I hope I'll be packing lots of them up in the next few days and
For the past six years - ever since that fateful day in the spring of 2009 when I decided that my offsite storage space was far too inconvenient to be worth the monthly cost - I've been surrounded in my office by floor-to-rafters shelving stacked with back issues of WaterShapes. I love the old magazines, and despite the fact everything we ever printed is now easily available online, I still