
An All-Tile Adventure
This was one of those cases where a project that offers all the indications of a direct path to success took a couple of weird turns that complicated things in unusual ways. The pool and spa are located high up in Trousdale Estates, a canyon-hugging neighborhood above Beverly Hills, Calif. The views are magnificent all the way to downtown Los Angeles in one direction and to the Pacific Ocean in another - and the spaces in which the pool and separate spa had been placed took the fullest possible advantage of those prospects. Our client was a multifaceted home-design/build company that had a distinguished track record with this sort of all-concrete
Artful Additions
We don't get involved in renovations all that often, but in this case it would've been tough to say no. Not long before, we'd designed a new pool for right next door - a thoroughly modern watershape that looked great and was perfectly suited to the property and the architecture of the home.   As work continued on site, it was apparent that one of the neighbors was more than a little
Every Piece in Place
When you step up to tackle what might possibly be the most challenging job your company has ever pursued, there's definitely a gut check involved.  Do you have the required staff?  Can you call on top-flight subcontractors?  Do you have the stamina to get involved and stay involved for the duration of a seriously long, seriously complex project? As we found in building the seven watershapes