I spend a lot of time wandering around the web looking for information to share with followers of's "Around the Internet" and "Aquatic Health, Fitness & Safety" sections and of the "The WaterShapes Web Café" feature that appear in each edition of the WaterShapes newsletter. This browsing can be fun and entertaining, but there's also
It's one of the most horrific things that can happen to anyone who enters a pool or a spa: One moment you're having fun or relaxing, and in a terrible instant you're caught in a devastatingly painful and potentially fatal situation. Most people who become entrapped by pool, spa or wading-pool plumbing do survive, but all too often they suffer life-altering injuries. As with any aquatic safety issue, we all agree these incidents should be prevented, and a great many talented people from government, trade associations, research institutions, equipment manufacturers and consumer-safety groups have invested a tremendous amount of time in examining suction entrapment. For all of that effort, however, seeing our way to
For the most part, we keep things positive in the pages of WaterShapes, and for good reason: With so much inspiring and amazing work taking place every day in all corners of the watershaping trades, negative subjects seldom